Marissa Reyes, Finca Güakiá
"Agroecology came to rescue what was already ours."
Ada Ramona Miranda, Finca la Malcría
"We are coming out of being poorly raised… of being poorly raised by the patriarchy."
Yvette Nuñez, Coalición Restauración Ecosistemas Santurcinos (CRES)
"We were pruning the [trees] that are not native, and we realized that [Hurricane María] took them away, and the native ones were the ones that survived."
Mariolga Reyes Cruz, Fideicomiso de Tierras Comunitarias para la Agricultura Sostenible
"In my family, for generations, we have had to leave and return, leave and return, always looking for the material conditions to stay. But to grow roots, you need fertile soil. That is what we are doing, protecting and tending the soil, so we can stay in our land and grow roots."
Vanessa Uriarte, Amigxs del M.A.R (Movimiento Ambiental Revolucionario)
"We sowed this coastal forest and [restored] all of this ecosystem as a counterproposal of how our beaches should look to [not only] defend ourselves from climate change but also so we can see that there are other alternatives."